We Got This
We have been in the new house for just over a month now. Things are starting to really look like home here now. I have my knickknacks for the most part where I want them. Of course that will change all the time. You know how girls can be. For the most part I am just about as settled as my knickknacks. As in I am aware of my surroundings and I am starting to like them, but things are always changing.I have really been pounding the pavement lately looking for a job. I realized that I need to get out of the house. Need as in it isn't even kind of optional. I figured out if I just sit around the house I tend to get really to feeling sorry for myself. It isn't a healthy option. Yes, I moved to another location and I really haven't found many friends yet, but things are starting to look up. I had a job interview at the library yesterday and I was invited to join a Sunday book club. The girls have also started to take ice skating lessons and La has joined a teen book club that meets once a month.
I've come to accept that things won't get normal around here until I get back to normal. I am so used to having so many friends to lean on that I had almost forgot how to lean upon myself. I am relearning how to be strong on my own again. It is empowering to know that I can brush myself off and get back on my feet again. And I WILL be OK. I can embrace this change. I got this.
Write commentsIt must be a daunting prospect for you all.Have you heard back about the library job?