I Think I Know What I Want To Be When I Grow Up

9:10 AM 5 Comments A+ a-

Right before I moved to the UK I earned my BS in Technical Management. It is a pretty general business degree. I haven't used it in the 7 years that I have lived here. At the time I was earning it I wasn't even sure what I would do with it. I was just determined that I would have a degree. It was a little short sighted of me. I have saddled myself with student loan debt, and have very little to show for it other than a piece of paper that confirms that I have an education. Meh. I am just going to chalk this one up to being young and pig headed in my determination.

For the past year I have been working as a substitute teacher at my younger daughters elementary school. I absolutely love my job. I love the children. I love seeing their minds work. I love the environment. I feel energized and ready to tackle anything that comes my way each and every time I walk into that building. I think I have found my calling in the field of education.

My problem now is that we are moving from the UK and I will need to find a new job in North Dakota. I have been looking online and have found several possible jobs that I am interested in applying for when I get to the tundra. I have also been thinking about getting my masters degree in elementary education. This excites me and terrifies me at the same time. I love school, but I just want to make sure that I am absolutely positive that I am stearing myself in the right direction.

I hear a lot about teacher burn out. I know it is a tough job that requires a special personality. I wonder if I have what it takes. Time to do some research.


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Jen Walshaw
September 25, 2015 at 11:07 AM delete

I wanted to be a teacher when I was younger and then I realised it was it was too hard a job for me! I think that being a teacher is an amazing thing, you can touch children's lives and make a difference. Hats off to anyone thinking about it

September 25, 2015 at 11:22 AM delete

I loved working as a teacher - being such a big part of a child's life is a huge privilege and responsibility. I left teaching two years ago. I still miss it, and the children, but not the politics and paperwork x

Jax Blunt
September 25, 2015 at 11:48 PM delete

I never qualified as a state school teacher here, but did do my Montessori training and experience, and loved teaching in a Montessori school. I looked into workiing in Montessori when we moved to Suffolk but ended up back with home education, which is fine too.

Susan Mann
October 2, 2015 at 1:16 AM delete

Sounds great. Good luck lovely x

November 4, 2015 at 12:04 AM delete

I've always been FLOORED by those who not only are able to teach children, but who want to do so. I was at a museum over the weekend, and the sound of their voices echoing around the Hall of North American Mammals gave me a headache!
