Finding My Voice Again

7:17 PM 12 Comments A+ a-

I was going to write a post apologizing for my blogging absence, but I'm not.  I think we are all adults here and know that life happens.  I got busy.  I had writers block.  I lost my mojo.  We have all been there as bloggers.  Burnout happens.

I think I have got my rear in gear now.  I have found my voice and direction again.  Mostly I want to just start to share stories again.  Let the world have a little piece of my point of view. I also have a million different thoughts swirling around in my brain now that I have found out that we are leaving England. Yes, you read that right.  I am leaving England. I am actually moving back to the United States after living in Blighty for the past seven years.  I am slightly terrified.

I am not terrified of moving back to the States per se, but I am terrified because I am moving to a very unfamiliar part of the States.  A very very cold part of the States.  I am moving to North Dakota. Go ahead, I will wait for my British readers to Google where on God's green planet that is. Yes, up there, the top bit nearly in Canada. I actually apologized to one of my favorite Canadian friends today for making polar bear jokes years ago. He said "the polar vortex never forgets" which I think means "you are going to freeze to death, you silly southerner".

However, my move to the Arctic tundra is not the only thing I have on my mind. My girls have now reached that weird in between stage. You know of which one I speak. Generally, I hate the word tween, but it is the only word I can think to call them.  They aren't quite little girls anymore, but they aren't quite into the dreaded teenage years yet either. They are little people, with voices, opinions, and hormones. OH MY GOODNESS THE HORMONES! There are bras in this house that do not belong to me and I am not ready for this dammit. Quite frankly, it is freaking me out just a bit. This whole stage of parenting seemed to sneak up on me with very little warning.

Thankfully, I have always had a very honest relationship with La and KiKi. I have never been one to hold my tongue and keep my feelings to myself. I have never been good with that at all. They know I am a bit on edge about the move. They know exactly when I am at my wits end with their shenanigans. I guess that is a good thing. It seems to have worked up to this point.

I guess, I just need a few people to come on this insane ride with me. Are you guys ready to for The Bungalow to ride again?


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August 20, 2015 at 7:42 PM delete

Oh how exciting! I've actually always wanted to live in Canada and marry a mountie.My eldest daughter is 10 and has started the journey towards teen-hood, (hate the word tween too) we're shopping for her first tween bra next week.Looking forward to hearing about your adventures and good luck!

August 20, 2015 at 8:14 PM delete

Yes, I'm ready! Welcome back xx

Nicki Cawood
August 20, 2015 at 8:38 PM delete

Oh so ready! I've missed you and your wonderful craziness.
The new blog looks fabulous too.
Welcome back lovely x

Jen Walshaw
August 20, 2015 at 9:08 PM delete

Whoop - I am so glad to have you back. I have tweens too, but boys and they are starting to have that boys smell OMG!

August 20, 2015 at 9:27 PM delete

I'm so glad you're back!!! I can't wait to read how you get on. Remember: buy warm hats, no one likes frozen hair (and by that I do not mean Frozen hair in Elsa's style!)

August 21, 2015 at 6:03 AM delete

Ah, Blogger. How many years has it been since you ate one of comments? It was a good one too, or at least I thought so. Will you at least let me congratulate Kat back and tell her I look forward to her stories? Can I do that?

August 21, 2015 at 3:22 PM delete

Of course I'm ready! :-D

Susan Mann
August 27, 2015 at 4:33 PM delete

It's so nice to have you back and I feel for you with tweens, I'm not a million miles away with my oldest, but he's a boy. Not looking forward to this stage. But hugs and great to see you x

September 1, 2015 at 11:14 PM delete

I have been waiting for your epic blogging return!!! My minion is pushing into the tweens and I'm being dragged kicking and swinging along with! Where I love the independence this phase is bringing the hormonal behaviors are something I'm ready to be over with!!!

Kelly Innes
September 10, 2015 at 9:42 PM delete

I am so so pleased you are back, even if you are leaving!
