I'm Here.

1:43 AM 1 Comments A+ a-

I made it to North Dakota. The last month or so has been quite the whirlwind. There was the flight here. That was a nightmare with pets in tow. The packing and repacking and locating and relocating. That sucks for the record. Seeing family and friends. Always a good time. The drive across the USA from the east coast. Wasn't as bad as expected except for when we got stuck less than 100 miles from Minot due to the "dusting" of snow. I guess in ND a dusting is three inches? However that even lead to meeting the sweetest motel owner in Harvey, ND. 

Honestly, I'm just exhausted. I'm ready to be in a house and not living out of suitcases. I'm ready to get back onto a normal schedule. I'm really trying not to complain, but I'm tired. However, my kids aren't tired at all. They want to do All. The. Stuffs. Now.

They built a snowman literally as soon as we got to our final stop. They've already asked about ice skating lessons (which they first had an experience with when we were visiting family in South Carolina).

I guess I need to take a page out of their book and find my zest for life; cause good things don't happen unless you get out there and find new experiences. 


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Nicki Cawood
December 15, 2015 at 4:31 AM delete

Bless you! I'd be the same, itching to get back into a routine, sorted, settled, organised and THEN do all the stuffs. Not long now lovely xx

(So glad the girls seem to be managing the transition ok though).
